Book A Study Room
Use our online tool to book study rooms.
Policies & Procedures
Study Room Policies
- Study rooms are available by reservation only. Users without a reservation may be asked to vacate.
- Reservations can be made up to 15 days in advance for a duration of 30 minutes to 2 hours per day.
Reservations must be made and checked in by the person using the room; we do not accept booking requests on behalf of others.
- The person whose name is on the booking reservation must be present during the reserved times. This ensures accountability and proper use of the study rooms.
- A reservation will be held for 15 minutes. If the reserving group has not checked in by then, the reservation will be canceled and the room will be made available to others.
- An initial reservation can be extended if no other reservations are made for the room after the initial period. Please check at the Front Desk to request an extension.
- To ensure fair access, study room reservations are limited to one per group per day. Multiple or continuous reservations by different members of the same group are not permitted.
Room Usage:
- The study rooms are intended for academic purposes, coursework, or official University clubs and committees.
- Priority is given to groups of two or more HPU students.
- Eating is not allowed to maintain cleanliness and prevent property damage. Beverages are permitted in spill-proof containers; bottled water is allowed except around copiers and computers. Please clean up after yourself or your group before leaving.
- Return all furniture to its original location before vacating the room.
- For safety and security purposes, the door must remain unblocked while in use, as blocking entrances, exits, or passageways creates a safety hazard.
- The person making the reservation will be responsible for any physical damage to the room or its contents.
- The Library and Learning Commons is not responsible for the loss of personal property.
- All users of the study rooms are subject to the University Libraries Conduct Policy and the HPU Code of Student Conduct, which can be found in the HPU Student Handbook.
- Library staff reserve the right to cancel a reservation at any time.
Note: These policies and procedures are subject to change without prior notification.
HPU Library and Learning Commons Conduct Policy
Ensuring a pleasant and productive environment requires that Library users refrain from the following activities:
- Intentionally or recklessly endangering, threatening, or causing physical harm to any person.
- Indecent conduct that includes actions determined by the University to be lewd, indecent, or obscene on University-owned or University controlled property.
- Any act which is determined by the University to be disrespectful, insulting, or harassing to any University official, employee, or student.
- Creating a disturbance or behaving in any manner that interferes with the normal use of the Library or Learning Commons, including: rowdiness, noisiness, loitering, recording anyone without consent, selling products or services, etc
- Consumption of food or beverages in public areas of the Library and Learning Commons except where permitted. Bottled water is permitted except around copiers, computers, equipment, and special collections.
- Smoking or use of smokeless tobacco.
- Talking on cell phones or other mobile communications devices. Set ringers to silent mode while in the Library.
- Use of personal audio devices except those that are used with headphones. Volume should be set so as not to be audible to others.
- Moving furniture or using equipment in a manner for which it is not intended.
- Creating a safety hazard by blocking entrances, exits, or passageways.
- Occupying more than one seating space.
- Being in an unauthorized area of the Library or Learning Commons, remaining in the Library or Learning Commons after closing or when requested to leave during emergency situations or drills
Use of Materials
- Removal or attempted removal of library or Learning Commons materials or property without checking them out or without proper authorization.
- Mutilation of library materials by marking, underlining, or removing pages or portions of pages; removing binding or electronic theft devices; injuring or defacing library or Learning Commons materials or property in any way.
- Concealing library or Learning Commons materials or equipment in the Library or Learning Commons for the exclusive use of an individual or group.
- Failure to return materials following the expiration of the loan period and/or on request for return of materials by the Library.
- Failure to pay the Library the value of lost or damaged materials.
Unattended Personal Property
- The Library and Learning Commons will not be responsible for the loss of personal property.
- All lost and found items will be sent to the Security Office at Aloha Tower.
Events & Workshops
Time Zone: Hawaii (change)
Black History Month Book Display In-Person
- From:
- Saturday, February 1, 2025
- To:
- Friday, February 28, 2025
- Location:
- Waterfront Library
- Categories:
- Events
MLA Citation Style Overview Online
The objective of this workshop is to recognize the various elements composing MLA citations. Compare and contrast the rules for common type of sources like books, websites, journal articles. As well...
- Date:
- Wednesday, February 12, 2025
- Time:
- 2:00pm - 2:45pm
- Categories:
- Workshops > Citation Management
- Registration Type:
- Online Registration
- Register! - 20 seats left
Maximizing your research identity & impact workshop Online
Make sure employers and graduate schools see your research through optimizing personal research profiles. In this workshop, you will gain hands on experience in managing your researcher profile.
- Date:
- Friday, February 21, 2025
- Time:
- 11:00am - 11:45am
- Categories:
- Workshops
- Registration Type:
- Online Registration
- Register! - 30 seats left
Zotero Power Users: Advanced Features and AI Integration! Online
Are you already using Zotero and ready to take your research game to the next level? Join us for an advanced session designed for experienced users to explore Zotero’s latest updates and integrations...
- Date:
- Friday, February 28, 2025
- Time:
- 3:00pm - 3:45pm
- Categories:
- Workshops > Citation Management
- Registration Type:
- Online Registration
- Register! - 20 seats left
MLA Citation Style Overview Online
The objective of this workshop is to recognize the various elements composing MLA citations. Compare and contrast the rules for common type of sources like books, websites, journal articles. As well...
- Date:
- Wednesday, March 12, 2025
- Time:
- 2:00pm - 2:45pm
- Categories:
- Workshops > Citation Management
- Registration Type:
- Online Registration
- Register! - 20 seats left